| Filed in California, Joshua Tree National Park, National Parks | Disclaimer: I use affiliate links and may receive a small commission on purchases. | Leave a Comment
Joshua Tree is otherworldly, and driving to the park is a very different experience than the other National Parks. Not nearly as many people in and out and the cities around Joshua Tree reflect that it has not yet been ruined by commercialization.
Upon arrival – Head to the Visitor’s Center outside of Joshua Tree National Park. They will provide you with maps for campgrounds and Bureau of Land Management Sites (BLMs – FREE).
Where to Stay:
- Camping in the Park – Joshua Tree has 8 or so campgrounds available and reservations can be made for a few of them. $15-$20 per night
- Bureau of Land Management- Inquire about BLM sites at the Visitor’s Center as it is FREE to stay there. *This is where we stayed* Basically a wide open desert.
- In the City – There is lodging available within a few miles of the Park
- Airbnb – go to Airbnb.com to find people renting out their extra space/rooms – usually cheaper than hotels/motels
What to Do:
We were definitely feeling some burnout at this point in our trip, but luckily you can see the majority of what there is to see in Joshua Tree National Park just by driving through it.
Many people go here to rock climb, but we are not skilled in that
Check out Skull Rock (can drive right up to it) – It looks very much like a skull and is a quick pull off.
We stopped at a couple of pull offs and hiked around taking selfies with the Joshua Trees and climbing a few boulders.
Coyote Corner gift shop is a fun place to stop in for eclectic knick knacks
We grabbed dinner at JT Saloon, which had a fun atmosphere and good food.
Joshua Tree has a calming nature. I definitely recommend visiting this beautiful place. I think it would be an epic spot for a yoga/meditation retreat, so if that becomes a thing – somebody please let me know!