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Something I am really good at on this blog: Being inconsistent. Here are some short reflections on some of my recent adventures!

Skyline Lake, Washington

Sun seeping through trees

My friend Marina and I ventured past Skykomish, Washington. Normally when I plan to hike, we hustle there and back. On this trip, we stopped along scenic bridges and small towns along the way. It was great to remember that the journey there is just as much a part of the adventure. I appreciate Marina’s patience with me as I was definitely hungover from a Gala supporting Diabetes the night before. Getting outside is truly the best cure for a hangover. Washington is starting to see more sun as Spring is fast approaching. It was so great to feel the warmth of the sun and hike in just a flannel. Below is a picture of the mountains that came into view after we turned a corner on our way to the hike. The beauty of the PNW never gets old.

Havana, Cuba

Sunset in Cuba

This photo (above) was taken from a night in Havana, Cuba. We had stayed in an Airbnb in the city and were all exhausted from all the energy and noise there. We rented a Catamaran for a night and enjoyed the sunshine, a tropical storm, and this amazing sunset. It was a good recharge for us before heading to Vinales, Cuba for a couple days.

scenic hot springs, washington

snow shoe trail

This photo was captured by my sister, Chelsea, on our way up to the Scenic Hot Springs in Washington. I had just got back from Cuba and rallied 7 women to make the trek up with me. We encountered a lot of snow on the way up, which made relaxing in the hot springs that much more enjoyable. It was very empowering to adventure with these incredible women just before International Women’s Day.

Rattlesnake Trail, Washington

Sunrise over Mountain Horizon

I took this photo yesterday as the sun was rising over the Cascade Mountains. My friends and I woke up at 4 a.m. to adventure to this short hike 45 minutes outside of Seattle. It was a great calm before I hosted a Saint Patty’s day party. I learned I need a brighter headlamp, as I kept tripping over roots! It is lovely to start your day with the literal start of day. I can’t wait to see more sunrises during backpacking trips this summer!

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  1. Paul on March 20, 2018 at 11:15 pm

    Stunning pictures! Love it.

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